Trust "Truth"!

                                                                  Trust “Truth”!


God’s Word, The Bible “Is The Only Truth”!


But I “Trust” in you, Lord; I say, You are my God.  (Psalms 31:14)

But when He, the Spirit of Truth”, comes, He will guide you into “All the Truth”.  He will not speak on His own; He will speak only what He hears, and He will tell you what is yet to come.  (John 16:13)


The Truth is Able, Faithful, and Cannot Lie!

We all will “Trust” something or somebody.  But Who or What?


There is “The Truth” and there is “the lie”.  Satan is the Father of Lies.  The Bible says, leaders should not lie.  To depend on lies is choosing Satan as our Father.  God is Spirit; the Spirit World “controls” the Physical World.  The Spirit World can deliver, the physical world cannot deliver. 


Trusting religion and tradition is not the same as “Trusting Truth”.

The Truth is God’s Word, religion and tradition are man’s words; there is no salvation in man’s words.  God tells us that we must Study His Word, the Bible; this is How We Know what Truth is.  Knowledge of God’s Word “Protects” us from “The Liars”.


Our Daily Nugget speaks about the Spirit of Truth coming to “Guide us into All The Truth”.  Every Father wants to make sure His children have all they need before they go on their journey.  God has sent each of us to the earth, on a journey; this earth is not our home.  Jesus told us that He would send The Holy Spirit to Help Us.  To Trust the Holy Spirit is to Trust Truth. 


As we put God’s Word in our Heart/Mind, the Holy Spirit brings God’s Word to our remembrance “at the time of need” to guide us in “making the Right Choices”.  Right choices lead to life, wrong choices lead to death.  If it is not God’s Word, its noise; even if we or another mean well, it is still noise, if it is not God’s Word.


To Trust “Tradition, Religion or Self” is to “Not Trust Truth”!

Love Yourself Too Much To Trust Tradition, Religion or Yourself;  be Wise and Safe, 

Trust “The Lord”, “The Bible”.


Ask God to Bless You 

To Hear and To Speak “Only” His Words, All Day, And

Watch What Happens!


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