Why Love?

                                                                        Why Love?


To Love is “Evidence” We Belong To Jesus!


Beloved, let us Love one another, for Love is from God, and whoever Loves has been born of God and knows God.  Anyone who does not Love “does not know God”, because God is Love.  (1 John 4:7-8)


God Is Love.  If I “do not” Love you, I “do not” Love God!


Our Daily Nugget

is letting us know the difference between Real and False Love. This is where being saved and being lost is known.  I can say, I Believe until the sun rise in the west, but if I do not Love you as I Love myself, I do not Love God nor do I know God.  Don’t be surprised at the judgement.  The Bible says, some who said they believe, Lied.


To Love or not to Love 

lets us know if we Lied or told the Truth when we said we “Believe”.


Going to Church, given much money and spending much time with Church activities are just a “waste of your time” if you don’t Love.  Anyone who does not Love, according to the Bible, are on their way to hell, to spend eternity with the devil.


Beware of political party affiliations, beware of religious denominations, beware of a desire to segregate yourself from people of a different race than you; all of these can “mask” our hate for our neighbor.  To hate my neighbor is evidence “I Do Not Love God”.  Believers Love their neighbors, their brothers, unbelievers do not Love their neighbors, their brothers.  Brothers have the Same Father.


Look at what the Bible says, about Loving!

If anyone says, “I Love God”, and hates his brother, “he is a liar”; for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen “Cannot Love God” whom he has not seen. (1John 4:20). If your pastor, bishop, priest, elder, etc., is a racist or does not Love for any reason, know this, that person “Does Not Know God”.


To Belong To God, “We Must Know God”, if we Know God, “We Will Love”!

Ask God to Bless You with the Desire and the Wisdom

To Love and to Led Others To Love

And Watch What Happens.


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