Wisdom the "Vehicle to Patience"!

                                                 Wisdom the “Vehicle to Patience”!


Therefore, “Foolishness Is The Vehicle To Impatience”!


A person’s wisdom yields patience; it is to “one’s glory” to overlook an offense.  (Proverbs 9:11)


When Wisdom is absent, Foolishness Fills the Void!


Glory – 1.Brightness or splendor. 2. Great Power and Strength. 3. Majesty and honor. 
Offense – An injury or wrong done to one.

Patience – The ability to endure difficult people and situations without giving into  

      anger or giving up hope.

Wisdom – Truth (God’s Word) applied in specific situations for Godly ends.     

      The foolish deny God and His wisdom, the wise embrace God and His wisdom.


Our Daily Nugget

is basically telling us to “Let It Go”, “For Our Sake”.  We benefit when we Let It Go, “forgive an offense”, because God Said To.  It takes patience to Let It Go.  Wisdom is the vehicle that drives us to Patience.  We will never be patient without wisdom.  Prayers to God for Wisdom is Wise.  To be patient adds to “One’s Glory”.


Glory is not a word that we use or seek much in our society.  Our definition of the word Glory are all Christlike Characteristics. When we say and do things like Christ, we “look like Christ” to a lost world.  This is our “Glory”.  Glory, to look like Christ is a very good thing.  To look like Christ means that we are doing things like Christ.


It Is Better To Give than to Receive!

Through Giving we receive more than we had and gave away.

We cannot beat God Giving, The more we give the more He gives to us!


The world says an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.  Jesus says, it is to “Our Glory” to forgive a person who has done wrong to us.  We all need to be forgiven; no one who refuses to forgive will be forgiven.  If we insist on making people pay for the wrongs they did to us, God will insist on us paying for the wrongs we have done to Him.  Yes, it is better to give and forgive than it is to receive.


Ask God to Bless You with the 

Desire and Wisdom to “Let It Go For Your Sake”, and “Get Your Glory”!


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