"Fretting" leads to Evil.

                                                        “Fretting” leads to Evil.

Fretting is Wicked Thinking, it “Produce” Evil Actions.


Refrain from anger and turn from wrath; do not fret-it leads only to “evil”.  

(Psalms 37:8)


 Fretting is due to “Wrong Thinking”.

Our “Thinking” Produce the Thoughts we have.

Our “Thoughts” are the Beginning of What we Do and Don’t Do.


Anger -  A passionate and active response of the entire person to a real or perceived

             wrong.  Anger is a God-given emotion of displeasure.

Evil – Morally wrong or morally bad; immoral; wicked.  Evil deeds. 

Fret – To burn or to be kindled with “anger”.  

When we allow our angry “thoughts” to become kindling, burning in our

minds/heart, they can “spark” angry actions, evil, we might regret.

Wrath – A strong feeling of hatred and resentment with a desire for vengeance.

            One filled with wrath, is on an express highway to death.


We Can Obey Our Daily Nugget!

Everything we say and do is the “fruit” of our Thinking Process our Heart/Mind.  To know “what” one is Thinking is to know where one is going.  Our Thinking controls and guides our actions.  Concerning Thinking, we have two options; we can Think Life or we can Think Death; it is our “Choice”, and it is not based on circumstances.


That which is going on “outside” our Heart/Mind does not determine what’s going on “inside” our Heart/Mind, our Thinking.  That which is going on inside our Heart/Mind determines what we “will or will not” do.  When our Thinking is to “refrain from anger and wrath and to not fret”, our “actions” will always go the opposite direction from evil.  We must Think wickedly before we can do evil.  We must Think Righteousness, right living, before we can be Righteous, “live right”.


A Heart/Mind filled with Godly Thinking “Cannot Lead to Evil Actions”!

Obey Solomon; Learn “What to Think”; “What we Think” controls our Living.


Ask God to Bless Your With the Desire and Wisdom To Learn 

 “What to Think”,

And Watch How Your Living Look More and More Like Jesus. 


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