I'll Go.

                                                                             I’ll Go.

                                                      Who Will Go For Us?


Then I heard the Lord asking, “Whom should I send as a messenger to this people?  Who will go for us?”  I said, “Here I am. Send Me”.  (Isaiah 6:8)

And if any man asks you, Why do ye loose him?  Thus, shall ye say unto him, “Because the Lord Hath Need of Him”.  (Luke 19:31)


The Lord Needs It. Let The Lord Use You. God Needs Others to say, 

“Here I am.  Send Me”!


The sin of Adam caused all people to “die” and to need Salvation.  God and Jesus are Spirit beings, man and woman are physical beings.  God needed a physical sacrifice, “pure enough”, to pay for the sins of man.  God asked, who will go for us, Jesus said, “Here Am I, Send Me”.  Are you willing to go?


If you are not willing to die to self, “You Can’t Go For God”.  “God is Love”.  We “Go” for the benefit of one another because we Love the Lord and we Love our neighbor.  If it ain’t love, its just noise.  Noise can’t deliver.  When we say, “I’ll Go”, know this; “Everything that is Needed Will Be Provided” by the One who sent you.


We Can Trust God To Provide!


To say, “I’ll Go”, means we have chosen to Live by Faith and not by Sight.  It means we “Keep our Eyes on The Prize” and not on the “dilemma”.   The dilemmas are like “smoke screens” that Satan throws in front of us to “Get our Eyes Off Jesus, our Salvation”, onto our dilemma, which cannot deliver.  Satan knows that our Living follows our Focusing.


To say, I’ll Go, is saying yes to “Carrying Your Cross”.  Jesus said that once we have been delivered, “Go and Get Your Brother”.  We are our brother’s keeper; this is how God keeps us all; through us keeping one another.


The Lord is Still Asking Today; “Who Will Go For Us”?

Say, “I’ll Go Send Me”, and 

Watch How God Will Use You in His Work.


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