Make The Kingdom Yours!

                                                       Make The Kingdom Yours!


“Be The Church” – “Love Your Neighbor”.


The Kingdom is yours “for” when I was hungry, you gave me food to eat.  When I was thirsty, you gave me something to drink.  When I had no place to stay, you welcomed me into your home.  When I was without clothes, you gave me something to wear.  When I was sick, you cared for me.  When I was in prison, you came to visit me.  

(Matthew 25:35&36)


Feeding your Neighbor “is” Feeding Jesus.

The Kingdom becomes ours when we “Be The Church”, when we “Love”.

Selfish people cannot Make the Kingdom theirs; they cannot Love their neighbor.


Our Daily Nugget makes it plain, 

To Live Inside the Kingdom of God While Still on Earth, “We Must Love”.


It is good and pleasant when our needs are met, especially when we cannot see food in the cabinet and the family is hungry and here you come with bags of food, or when I was locked away in prison and you “came” to visit me, or when I was sick, and you took care of me and my family. 


It is a Big Deal with God that our needs are met, and He expects it to be a Big Deal with us; the Bible also calls it Carrying Our Cross.  Today I am hungry, and you feed me, tomorrow you are hungry and your neighbor feeds you.  The Holy Spirit knows what the Father has given me, and the Holy Spirit knows what you need.


It is through the Holy Spirit that we are all connected; as we hear and obey The Holy Spirit, we will do for and to one another what is right and proper.  There will be peace, harmony, joy, kindness, giving, gentleness, forgiving, this we can call “Living Inside the Kingdom of God, While Still On Earth”.  When the world sees Kingdom Citizens that is the impression we should leave with them of us, like Jesus left with people.


“All Things” are possible “In The Kingdom”.

Jesus said, The Works He did, that we Shall Do Also and Greater Works!


Ask God to Bless You With the Wisdom to

“Make the Kingdom Yours” through “Loving Your Neighbor”

And Watch What Happens.


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