


Kingdom Citizens are “Protected”!


And Jesus being full of the Holy Ghost returned from Jordan and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness.  (Luke 4:4)

And all they in the synagogue, when they heard these things (The Words, The Truth), were filled with wrath, and rose up, and thrust Him (Jesus) out of the city and led Him unto the brow (top) of the hill whereon their city was built, that they might cast Him (Jesus) “down headlong”.  But He (Jesus) passing through the midst of them “Went His Way”.  (Luke 4:28&29)


He (Jesus) “Went His Way”!

He walked through the midst of them.  No one laid a hand on Him.


We, Kingdom Citizens” have a Savior and a Lord, who are one in the same, who has been given “All Power” over everything on earth. Who Loves us and are “committed to our care”, who oversees “everything”.  We can and must “Trust Him”.


Our Daily Nugget

is telling us how the Holy Spirit protected Jesus when the people got mad at Him for “Speaking the Truth” to them about them, and about Him.  The people had taken Jesus to the top of a hill and was going to throw Him off the cliff.  Suddenly, the people let go of Him.  No one laid a hand on Him and He walked down the Hill straight through the crowd that was going to throw Him off the cliff.


We’ve Got a Savior. Who uses His Holy Spirit in “Saving Us From The ‘Power’ Of Sin and Satan”.  No one laid a hand on Him, as He walked through the middle of them.  We are protected by The Word as we Obey and Trust and Utilize The Word.


It is Impossible for Jesus and the Holy Spirit to Let us Down when we Trust Them.  We all “know” they are able, but the Salvation occurs when we Trust Them.  Ask God to Bless you with the ability to Trust Them and Experience the “Joy and Power” in Trusting.


Jesus was in a death, for sure, situation that we would call hopeless.  All the people were against Him, with no man to deliver Him out of their hands.  “But God”; who is aware of everything used His Holy Spirit to deliver Him.  The Spirit World controls the Physical World.


Ask God to Bless you with a “Mentality” that “Expects Deliverance”,

And Watch What Happens.


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