The Law is "Dead"!

                                                                The Law is “Dead”!


To “Live” we must “Die” first.


Do you not know, brothers and sisters-for I am speaking to those who know the law-that the law has authority over someone “only as long as ‘that person’ lives”?  (Romans 7:1)


Have you died yet?  To Die is not the end, it’s the beginning!


A wise question for us to ask ourselves is “what am I living for”?  “What” I am Living for, “What” I am Thinking about, will determine who has authority over my living.  Our natural self, the Old Creature, wants more and more stuff and things, the world.  Our new self, the New Creature, wants more and more of the Word, the Bible.


Solomon said, be careful “What” you Think; as “What” you Think, sets the “boundaries” of your life, your living  Thinking is spiritual activity that leads to creation in the physical.  To “Think” about the fact that now I am under “Grace”, will lead me to do what New Creatures do, “LOVE”.


The Law says, “An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth”.

Grace says, Give and Forgive and “It Shall Be” Given and Forgiven Unto You.


The Old Self, the Old Creature is about rules and regulations, religion and tradition without Love leading the way.  The New Self, the New Creature is about “Grace and Love”.  If we have not “died” to the desires and passions of the world, then the world still has authority over us, even though “We Say” We believe.  Jesus said, some who said I Believe, Lied.  Love lets us know if we lied or told the truth.


There is Grace, and there is The Law!


There were two men who had the same wrong done to them; both men said, “I Believe”.  The judge allowed the two men who had the wrong done to them to pass judgement.  One man’s heart/mind led him to say, “I Forgive Him”, nothing is owed to me.  That man’s heart/mind is filled with “Grace”.  The other man said, “Pay me what is owed to me now”, or go to prison until you pay.  This man’s heart/mind is filled with the “Law”, selfishness, inconsideration; that man lied when he said he believe. Love  or the lack thereof lets us know “Who has Authority Over Us” and if we lied when we said we believe. 


This is the day, now is the hour to:

Tell the Truth, Die to Self Today, and Watch How You Live for Jesus Tomorrow.


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