Caesar's or God's?

                                                                  Caesar’s or God’s?


Who Do You Belong To?


And Jesus said to them, “Give to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s”.  (Mark 12:17)


Give to Each, What Belong To Each.

The Earth, Everybody, and Everything in it, “Belongs To God”.


Every person “Makes A Determination” about everything and everybody; the determination is “does it belong to God or Caesar”.  Oftentimes, we are not even aware of this made determination.  We will “act like” and treat the thing “according to our determination”.  


Paul said, I am “determined” to know nothing “except Jesus and the fact that He was Crucified”.  Paul’s living let everybody know that his determination was he belonged to God.  If we “determine” that we are Ambassadors and Soldiers for Jesus, we will “Live Like” Ambassadors and Soldiers for Jesus.  If we never make that determination in our “heart/mind” we will never live like it.  We will live like the world, everybody else.  Dog Eat Dog, the Slickest Person Wins.


Always remember, the 

“Life and Death” of all things, starts “Between Our Ears”, through Thinking.


Our Daily Nugget is about the “Deception, Slick Spirits” of People!

The Bible says, never think that you are smarter than you are, simply “Obey The Lord” and “Refuse to Do Wrong”.  Never try to be Slick, try to be Wise.  This is a wise and obedient “determination”.


The people approached Jesus, “hiding” behind sincerity and truth, not “trusting” sincerity and truth, but using sincerity and truth for demonic purposes.  Like God don’t know!  They tried to get Jesus in hot water with Caesar.  These were people who “said” they belonged to God but their “living” said they belonged to Satan.


If “sincerity and truth” is not leading the way, “deception and lying” is!

God makes sure, that we will hate to see the day that we must consume its fruit.


Ask God to Bless You With the Wisdom to Make Your Determination

that you belong to God and not Caesar

And Watch What Happens.


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