God Doesn't Studder!

                                                              God Doesn’t Studder!


We can “Act Like” we didn’t “Get It”.


God means what He says.  What He says goes.  His “Powerful Word” is sharp as a surgeon’s scalpel, cutting through everything, whether doubt or defense, laying us open to “listen and obey”.  (Hebrews 4:12-13)


God Means What He Says & He Says What He Means.


A man had a vision; in this vision God asked him a question.  The question was a very heavy question to the man, and instead of the man answering God, he restated the question to God.  God said, “I Don’t Studder”.  The man said, you’re right God, you don’t studder; you know I am fishing for an answer.  God knows everything about us; when we are Thinking Right and when we are Thinking Wrong; He requires “Sincerity and Truth”.


God’s Word Cut’s Through Man’s Foolishness.

When Adam sinned by eating the forbidden fruit, Adam blamed Eve, Eve blamed the serpent.  They both “Plainly Knew God’s Word” and they both “Plainly Chose to Disobey”.  God refused to participate in their “blame game”.  God’s Word cuts through our foolishness, He will not participate in our “blame games”.


When God says, “Love Your Neighbor As You Love Yourself”’ He means for us to “do for our neighbors what we would do for ourselves”.  Not just when we “feel like it” or if we believe the other person “deserves it”.


Never “act like” you didn’t “understand”, and act like that is why you didn’t do, obey; I did not mean to disobey.  No one makes a fool out of God; we all will reap what we sow.  God knew yesterday, what we would do today.  Don’t play God cheap, like we might play one another cheap.  God “Doesn’t Studder” and God Don’t Play”.


Wisdom Leads Us to be sincere and serious concerning God’s Word and how we handle it.  God’s Word “cuts through our foolishness”.  God’s Word requires “Sincerity”, “Truth” and “Respect”.  God’s Word is the most important thing on this earth, we must give it the “Honor” and “Respect” that it is due.


Don’t make God “Show You the Hard Way” that “He Don’t Play or Studder”.

“Obey His Word Today” and “Watch What Happens”.


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