He Asked The Father.

                                                              He Asked The Father.


The Father, Gave The Holy Spirit.


I will ask the Father, and He will give you “Another Helper”, so that He may be with you forever; “The Helper Is The Spirit of Truth”, whom the world cannot receive, because it does not “See Him or Know Him”; but you “Know Him” because “He remains with you and will be In You”.  “I will not leave you as  orphans; I Am Coming To You”.  (John 14:16-18)


Is The Holy Spirit “Spooky”, and “A Stranger”, To You?


Our Daily Nugget

is Jesus letting the disciples know that He is Going Away.  Jesus was the only savior and deliverer the disciples knew, and now He is telling them that He is Going Away.  This was a very disheartening statement to them; they felt alone and hopeless. 


Orphan – A child whose parents are dead.  (Our Father is Alive).

God wants to assure us that we are never alone nor hopeless.  “The sun shines the brightest, after the darkest storm”.  When life “seems” to be the darkest, “know this”; “That Your Deliverer, Jesus, has sent the Holy Spirit” to take His Place in our hearts/minds while still on earth.  


The Holy Spirit “Shows Us The Way”!  We are “divinely directed and protected”!

And thine ears “shall hear” a word behind thee, saying, “This is the way, walk (live) ye in it” , when ye turn to the right hand, and when ye turn to the left.  (Isaiah 30:21)


The “Trusting Heart/Mind” will Hear The Holy Spirit!

In our fallen state, we cannot receive the Holy Spirit because we do not see Him nor know Him.  There is “the world’s way”, which is guided by the Demonic Spirit, and there is “The Words Way”, which is guided by the Holy Spirit.


The world’s way is easy, and most people walk, live, that way; that way is wrong and is leading us to death.  The Word’s Way is hard and narrow and there are few who “walk, live in it”.  “The Majority Is Normally Wrong”.  We find “The Word’s Way” in the Bible, God’s Instruction Manual.  Sin and wrongdoing will prevent us from hearing and obeying the Holy Spirit.  Selfishness and pride are two of our greatest spiritual enemies; never obey them.


Ask God to Bless you to “Learn to Hear and Obey” His Holy Spirit,  “Always”,

And Watch How You Make “Excellent” Choices!


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