


Why Do We “Love” Intrigue?


At the end of their rule, when the transgressions have reached their “full measure”, a king of bold countenance shall arise, skilled in “intrigue”.  (Daniel 8:23)

He will invade the kingdom when its people feel secure, and he will seize it through intrigue.  (Daniel 11:21)


Intrigue is Guided by the “Spirit of Deception”!


Intrigue – Arouse the curiosity or interest of; fascinate.

                 Make secret plans to do something illicit or detrimental to someone.


Our fallen nature has a natural desire for “intrigue”.  Kingdom Citizens do not depend on the demon of intrigue to get what we want, we Trust God for Wisdom to get it.  When we are “intrigued” we are giving “too much attention” to the demonic spirits speaking to us.  We should immediately go to “The Word” for protection.


Eve became “intrigued” with the forbidden fruit.  We cannot be wicked, evil, and sinful. unless the demon of intrigue has intrigued us.  A heart/mind stayed on Jesus is protection from the demon of intrigue.  To Love the World and the things in it, opens us up for the demon of intrigue to enter our heart/mind and to guide our actions to deceive and sin.


To be intrigued is the same as:

letting the devil ride, if we let him ride, he’ll want to drive, so don’t let him ride.

The devil attempted to “intrigue” Jesus after His forty days of fasting; Jesus, each time used The Word, never what He thought or felt.  The Word is always enough to protect us from the demon of intrigue.  There is a saying, “Curiosity Killed The Cat”; curiosity is intrigue.  If the cat had gone to The Word, he’d be alive today.


Study and Utilize The Word.  We Can’t Lose When We Utilize The Word!  

We cannot be intrigue by “the world” and be committed to “the Word” at the same time.  One is darkness and one is light, they cannot occupy the same place at the same time.  When the light comes the darkness must go; when the darkness comes the light will go.  


Ask God To Bless You To:

Utilize The Word, “Love”, as it is Protection from the Demon of Intrigue.


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