Love is The Way.

                                                                 Love is The Way.


“Our Way” is “The Wrong Way”.


Jesus says, I am the way, and the truth, and the life.  (John 14:6).   

There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death. 

(Proverbs 14:12)


We Can Never “Get to Right”, “Going Wrong”!


Our Daily Nugget in John is Jesus declaring himself to be the only way to eternal life, the only source of righteousness, and the source of physical and spiritual life.  Jesus said this to his disciples on the night before his death and betrayal.  Thomas wanted to know The Way to where Jesus was going.


Jesus said The Way is Love.

Love will cover a multitude of sins.

The Right Way is found in The Word, Jesus the Christ, our Lord.


The questions are, “A Way” or “The Way”, and to “Where”?  The Way to get to Jesus is To Love, to do for others what you would like them to do for you.  Love is doing for people and doing for The Lord.  This is The Way.  The Way must take precedent over all religions and traditions.


Just like, the mouth speaks, what the heart/mind is filled with; our “actions” also speaks what our heart/mind is filled with. The Bible says, a Wise Man “Thinks about Death” and “A Fool Thinks about Being Happy”.  Our living will follow what we think about.  The Kingdom Citizen’s Way is To Love, 1. The Lord, with all our heart, mind, soul and strength, 2. To Love our neighbor as we Love ourselves; this is what we should fill our heart/mind with.


To be consumed with spiritual or worldly Thinking, lets us know if “The Way” we are heading will lead to life or to death.  God’s Word leads to life, our Words leads to death.  God’s Word, the Bible, consumed in our heart/mind “Will Show Us The Way” to act and react “correctly” concerning everything that comes up in our life.


Ask God to Bless You To

Hear and Obey His Holy Spirit; for His Holy Spirit is that 

still, small, voice, saying, “This is The Way, Follow It”; and Watch What Happens.


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