Obey or Pay.

                                                                       Obey or Pay.


Obedience Is Not Optional!


But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and blessing and calamity you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.  (Genesis2:17)


It’s “My Thing” I Can Do What I Want To Do! “Not”!

“It is never your thing”; rather bound for heaven or for hell.


Our Daily Nugget

is God talking to Adam, right after He had finished creating His Creation.  Our Daily Nugget is part of the instructions God gave Adam on “How To Live” here on earth.  God told Adam that he could eat the fruit of any of the fruit trees in the garden, “except one”.  Adam “Disobeyed”, therefore Adam had to “Pay”.


Adam chose to “Obey” Eve’s words and to "Disobey" God’s words.  Satan worked through Eve to get Adam to disobey what God told him to do.  Even though we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior, we still must “Obey”, or we will “Pay”.


Jesus Christ did not die so that we can Disobey and Not Pay.


Payment for disobedience is extracted from us in many ways.  One of the most obvious is “no peace”.  No “joy” in our households, sickness in our bodies, disrespect reign, a rude spirit rules, a selfish spirit directs, an unaccommodating spirit doesn’t care, rebellious children, an unloving spirit, no kindness, no consideration, etc.


Just like Adam had to Pay to Disobey; make no mistake about it, “We Will ‘Pay’ today when we Disobey”.  Are there things about your life you don’t like?  You might be just “Paying” for “Disobeying”.  The Bible says, God is not mocked; this means “No one makes a fool out of God”, “we all will reap what we sow”.  If we plant an apple seed, it is foolishness or just crazy to expect oranges to grow on the tree.


Ask God to always bless you to remember and to live accordingly to this fact, Jesus 

did not die so that I might satisfy the desires of my flesh and still belong to Him. 


We still must Obey, or we will Pay. 

Repentance is our Only Way Out of Payment!


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