The Real Problem.

                                                                  The Real Problem.


My People Have “Forgotten Me”!


Like clay in the hand of the potter, so are you in my hand, Israel.  (Jeremiah 18:6)

Yet, my people have “forgotten me”; they make offerings to false gods. 

(Jeremiah 18:15)


To “Forget God” is to “Invite Destruction”.


How Can a New Creature, a Kingdom Citizen, Forget God?  “Kingdom Citizens” can “Forget God” just like God’s People whom Jeremiah was speaking directly to in our Daily Nugget.  They Choose “The World over the Word” and became “Evil in their Actions”.   Do yourself a favor; learn what wicked and evil are, study them.


The Real Problem - They Refused To Repent From Their Evil.

To Forget or to Remember God starts “Between Our Ears”, through “Thinking”, and end “With Our Actions”.  When we forget the “God of Heaven and Earth”, we automatically default to remembering the “god of this world”.  The evidence that we have forgotten or remember God’s Word is shown in our “Living”.


The first of God’s Ten Commandments is “Thou shall have no other ‘god’ before me”.  Even if we are not serious concerning this command, “God Is”.  This command still carries weight today and disobedience to it “brings destruction” to us and to our households.


Each nation on earth has their own way of life and things that they depend on, we call them traditions and religions.  When we say we “Believe in Jesus”, the Bible with its Instructions supersedes all “religions and traditions”.  If the Bible does not supersede our religions and traditions, then we have “Forgotten God”.


To Remember God,

     does not free us of all our problems, but we always Depend On God to Solve Them!

God is a “Jealous God”, He don’t try to hide it, and He is not ashamed of the fact that He is Jealous of us.  When we set our “affections” on any one or anything before or in place of God, this is Forgetting God; even if we do not intend to forget or feel like we have forgotten God, “we have”, and we will eat the fruit of forgetting God.


Ask God to Bless you with the 

Wisdom to “Remember Him”, by “Depending On and Obeying His Word” 

and Watch What Happens.


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