The Watchman.

                                                                  The Watchman.


We Kingdom Citizens Have a “Watchman”.


All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned everyone to his “own way”; and the LORD hath laid on Him the iniquity of us all.  (Isaiah 53:6)

If ye love me, keep my commandments.  And I shall pray the Father, and He shall give you “Another Comforter”, the He may abide with you forever, even the Spirit of Truth.  

(John 14:15-17)


Kingdom Citizens “Must Listen” for the “Words” of the Watchman!


Jesus the Christ is the “Watchman” God provided for the care and protection of His children, His creation, us.  God has always shown special care for His people.  God’s people, Kingdom Citizens, “Love”.  Are you one of God’s People; do you Love”?  If you do not Love, the Watchman is not provided for you.


Watchman – A person who is called upon to give warnings of impending judgement.


God has laid on Jesus the iniquity of all of us, but we must Love the Lord and our neighbors; we Love through “Obedience” to the Lord’s Commands.  To refuse to obey the Lord’s Commands, Holy Spirit, is to Obey the Demonic Spirit.


The “Holy Spirit” is our Watchman today.

Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This Is The Way; Walk In It”.  (Isaiah 30:21). Jesus said, I will not leave you comfortless, I will send you “A Helper”, who shall teach you all things.


Needless pain is the destiny of the one who refuse to hear and obey The Watchman.  Even though we are grown and adults, we are never allowed to do what we want to do; we must seek the guidance of the Watchman.  The Watchman “is able to see” danger that the Kingdom Citizens cannot see, until it’s too late.


We Depend on the Watchman for our Salvation.

If we try to depend on our self, the Watchman will not Watch for us!

The Watchman leads us to Exercise our Faith when dilemmas occur in our life.  To exercise our Faith is a form of resisting the devil; the Bible says, “if we resist the devil that he will flee from us”.  Make him Flee Today from you and your household.


Thank God for The Watchman.

Ask God to Bless You to Hear and Obey The Watchman,

And Watch What Happens.


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