Wait on The Lord.

                                                                Wait on The Lord.


To Wait on The Lord is Salvation.


Wait on the Lord; be of good courage, and He shall strengthen thine heart (mind): wait, I say, on the Lord.  (Psalms 27:14)


If we don’t “Wait on the Lord”, we will “Run with Satan”.


Jesus “has saved” us from the penalty of sin; Jesus “is saving” us from the power of sin; Jesus “is going to save” us from the presence of sin.  When we “Wait on the Lord” we experience Salvation from the “Power of Sin”.


Our Daily Nugget

is telling us these two things; 1. That if we “Wait on The Lord” and 2. That if we “Be of Good Courage”; THEN, Jesus “Shall Strengthen Our Heart/Mind”, our “Thinking”.   The Bible tells us that “We, Kingdom Citizens, Can Do All Things Through Christ Who ‘Strengthens’ Us”.  Do we Believe God’s Word or not?  Can you “See” yourself doing All Things?  Our Daily Nugget is saying, that if you Wait on the Lord, and Be of Good Courage (Confident) that you shall; it’s called Faith.


To “Wait” on the Lord, is a “Decision to ‘Trust’ God”.


We all need our heart/minds “Strengthened”. The wear and the tear of each day can beat us down, cause us to become weak to the efforts of Satan.  Where Loving our neighbors becomes a “shore” instead of a “delight”.  The Bible says, never become weary in well doing, for in “due time” you will reap, “If”, you do not faint, give up.


To “Wait” on the Lord, is “Salvation Guaranteed” over your “Dilemma”.

This is where “Patience” steps in; and “Patience Will Have It’s Perfect Work”.


It is impossible for the Lord to be “too late” to strengthen and save us from our dilemma.  This understanding should keep us from becoming overly concerned  and anxious, which leads us to choose the wrong way.  Never get tired of Waiting on God; the demonic spirit will tell us that we have “waited long enough”; pride will say to us, you don’t need to wait any longer, “you know what to do”, your smart.


The Spirits of Humility and Trust leads us to “Wait on The Lord”. 

Ask God to Bless You With the Patience and Wisdom to

“Wait on the Lord & to Be of Good Courage”

And Watch What Happens!


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