Why Study?

                                                                      Why Study?

Study to be “Obedient” and “Wise”.


Study to shew thyself “approved” unto God, a workman that needeth “Not to be Ashamed”, “Rightly Dividing” “The Word of Truth” (The Bible).  (2 Timothy 2:15)

A wise person knows what to do, a fool only thinks he knows what to do.    

(Proverbs 12:15). A wise person will receive “correction”, a foolish person will not.

Study To Avoid Being A “Foolish” Person!


To attempt to do “a work” without knowing the Instructions on how to do the work will lead to “Being Ashamed” because “We don’t know what to do”, now everybody else knows we don’t know what to do. We feel stupid, and think they believe we are stupid to. We’re not stupid, just unlearned, which lead to foolishness.


Foolish – Someone who refuses to “listen” to wisdom or “learn” from discipline.

              Failing to “Fear God” or respect “God’s Instructions for Living”.

              Much like the dog that returns to its vomit.

Wise – Properly, having knowledge; hence, having the “power” of discerning and 

            judging correctly, or of discriminating between what is true and what is false.


Our Daily Nuggets

are written by Paul and Solomon.  Paul received God’s Word through “revelation”, Solomon received God’s Word through a Direct Blessing From God.  They both are telling us that, “We must Study to be Wise”, and if we “Do Not Study”, we will be foolish.  Pride will tell us that “we’re smart” and “already know”, this is foolish.


Wisdom brings “Light and Life” to us and to our households.  Foolishness brings “Darkness and Death” to us and to our households.  Knowledge of and Obedience to God’s Word “Will Make Us Wise”, it takes both.  We “Honor God” when we seek Him through Knowledge of His Word, The Bible; we “Dishonor God” when we refuse to seek Him through Knowledge of His Word, The Bible.


Without Studying, how do we know “What To Do”?  We are not born knowing what to do.  If we don’t Study, we “Will” “Flunk The Test”.  Ask yourself and then answer yourself this question, if you can; “When was the last time I “Studied” the Bible”? 


Ask God to Bless You With the Wisdom to Study and Learn

to Always “Rightly Divide” His Word, and to Never “Wrongly Divide” His Word,

And Watch What Happens.


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