


The Pathway to Adulthood.


When I was a child, I “spoke” as a child, I “understood” as a child, I “thought” as a child: but when I became a man, I “put away” childish things.  (1 Corinthians 13:11)


You Are Just, “Too Old” For All That “Foolishness”!

For an Old Person to be “Stuck in Adolescence” is a Shame and a Pity.


Our Daily Nugget

is telling us that we “must grow up”. Nothing is meant to last forever.  The past is over, forever; the fruit of adolescence remains.  The fruit of adolescence is a “wise adult” or a “foolish adult”.  Wise parents cannot teach their children to be foolish; foolish parents cannot teach their children to be “wise”.


We Teach Our Children “What We Are”!

The child’s main concern is about what they “Like”.  The adult’s main concern is about what is “Best”.  Oftentimes what we like is not what is best.  The “world” is waiting on and depending on Kingdom Citizens to “Grow Up”.


Adults “Love”!

To “Love” is evidence that my main concern is “Jesus” and what He requires of me.  This is what an adult “Thinks Like”.  To not Love is evidence that my main concern is me, not Jesus.  To think like a child is to “Think that I Am The Slickest Thing Since Grease”.  You should never trust an “Adult Child”; they first will seek to deceive, because children do not Trust God, Adults Trust God. 


We “Mature” from a child to an adult with a “Decision” “To Obey”.

We’ve got to “Grow Into It”.  This is a statement that we are all better off to never hear it again.  This statement is made by people who “refuse to repent” and “grow up”.  They “Chose” to hang on to their childish ways because they like them.  They use this statement as a cover to continue in their sin and wrongdoing and be “Comfortable in Them”.  They tell themselves, “I am no worse than anybody else.”


We Refuse to Mature Because We Choose “Wrong Over Right”.  An Eighty-year-old person, with a baby bottle in their mouth is too Weird.  Mature People Love!


Ask God to Bless You with the Wisdom to “Mature” from “Milk to Meat”, 

And Watch How You Love the Lord and Love your Neighbor.


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