


Sincere or Insincere?


If thou shall “confess” with thou mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt “believe” in thine heart (mind) that God hath raised Him from the dead, “thou shalt be saved”.  (Romans 10:9)


Confessions are either “Sincere or Insincere”.

To Receive God’s Salvation, we must, “Believe and Confess”.


Believe – To “Trust in Christ” and “Commit” your life to Him.

Confess –  The act of “acknowledging one’s sin to God” and “choosing to repent 

                  from that sin”.


God Honors “Sincere” Confessions, He Does Not Honor “Insincere” Confessions. If we “Plan” to continue the sin, our Confessions are Insincere; if we “Plan” to stop sinning, our confessions are sincere.  God is not mocked, we will “reap what we sow”; we cannot “Trick God”.


To “tell” God about our sin or to state to God our sin “is not a confession”, it is just “telling” God our sin.  God already knows our sins, even before we commit them.   To “Believe” the fact that God raised Jesus from the dead is to “Believe” that Jesus is our “Salvation” from the Penalty and the Power of sin.


Confession  is a “New Lifestyle”, it is not just something we “say”.  What we “say” is the fruit of our Thinking.  The mouth speaks what the heart/mind has been filled with.  If our heart/mind is filled with “sincerity and truth”, our mouths will speak “Sincere Confessions”; if our heart/mind is filled with “insincerity and untruths” our mouths will speak “Insincere Confessions”. 


Our Daily Nugget

is letting us know that if we want to live in Salvation from the Power of sin,  that our confessions must be “Sincere” with our desire to “Repent” from that sin, and to Live in Obedience and do that sin no more.  We are “saved” from the Power of Temptation; we will not be planning to yield again to that sin.  To “plan to” commit that sin some more will lead to a “insincere confession”.  There is no salvation with insincere confessions.


Ask God to Bless You with a Heart/Mind that “Led” you to

“Sincere Confessions”,

And Watch The Holiness In Your Living Increase.


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