How Do You Know?

                                                                How do you Know?


Do You Know That You Know Him?


We “Know” that we have come to “Know Him” “If” we “Keep His Commands”.  Whoever says, “I Know Him”, but does not do what He Commands is “A Liar”, and the Truth is not in that person.  (1 John 2:3-4)


We Can “Know of Him” and We Can "Know Him”.


Our Daily Nugget

is letting us know that “If we Keep God’s Commands”, that this “Obedience” is “Evidence” that we Know Him.  His Commands are to: “Love the Lord” and to “Love Your Neighbor”.  Our actions speak “so loud” till no one hears what we say, even God.  Sincerity and Truth must be the foundation of our words, if not, our words are lies.  Our actions or inactions are evidence as to rather we are speaking sincerity and truth or lies.


We Know that we do not Know Him and that we Lied when we said that we do Know Him; “If we Do Not Keep His Commands”.


For us to Know God we must Obey God; if we do not obey God, it is because we do not know Him.  Rather we know God or not will show itself in our living.  When we “Know God”, the way He Commands us to live is of “Paramount Concern”.  The World’s Way of living is “Always” somewhere, way behind, God’s Way.


To obey religion and tradition is not Obeying God’s Commands; there are tens or maybe hundreds of thousand religions and traditions, all with their own way.  God’s Way, found in the Bible Only, is the Only Right Way.  Some religions and traditions teach hate and division, even though they “hold up” the Bible, many religions hardly or ever use a Bible.


I heard a man say, “Hell is too hot, and Eternity is too long” to Think that you know Him, only to find out at the judgement that “You Do Not Know Him”.  If you know that you do not Love Your Neighbor as yourself, “This is the day, now is the hour to Repent and Accept God’s Offer of Salvation”.    There is “No Opportunity to Repent” at the judgement.  Attending Church Service on Sunday or Saturday is not evidence that you Know Him.  Many who go to Church every Sunday will stab you in the back in a heartbeat.  Love The Lord and Love Your Neighbor.


Do You “Know Him” or do you just “Know Of Him”?

Only those who “Know Him” will spend Eternity “With Him”.


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