No Guile!

                                                                      No Guile!


A Spirit of “Guile” is “Untrustworthy”.


Jesus saw Nathanael coming to him, and saith of him, Behold an Israelite indeed, in whom is “No Guile”.  (John 1:47)


God cannot use a Heart/Mind Filled with “Guile”.


Guile – A type of “deceit” that is cunning, crafty, or artful.  

   It can also mean duplicity, treachery, or insidiousness.


To have no guile means you are “honest” and speak Truth, because you have filled your heart/mind with what is Right and Proper.  In the Absence of Sincerity and Truth, We Default to “Guile”. We must “Desire” Sincerity and Truth before we will Live Sincerity and Truth.


Do you desire Guile, or do you desire to Tell The Truth?

To be a person of guile, deception, is evidence that we do not obey nor trust the Holy Spirit, but trust and obey the demonic spirit.  The Holy Spirit would never tell anyone to deceive.  We would never deceive if we “love our neighbor as we love ourselves”.


In our society today, “guile” has become “TOO” acceptable among people who say they are Christians.  “Christians should not Deceive nor Lie”, or maybe I should say, “Christians Don’t Deceive or Lie”.  For Kingdom Citizens to practice “Guile” is like putting a lampshade over God’s Light that shines on people through the Kingdom Citizen's Life.


It Is Critical that Christians Obey The Bible!

We destroy our witness when we chose Guile for our protection or source.


To Trust God is freedom from Guile.  To practice Guile is evidence that we don’t trust God and we deceive to get what we want.  We cannot tell people about Jesus when we are just as crooked and deceptive as them.  There are deceivers, to them guile is a lifestyle; and there are people who lied and repented, they are not deceivers.


Ask God to Bless You to

“Love Your Neighbor As You Love Yourself”.

We cannot Obey the Command to Love and Practice Guile at the same time.


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