

Just “Don’t Do It”!


Some sat in darkness, in utter darkness, prisoners suffering in iron chains, “Because they Rebelled” against God’s Commands and “Despised the Plans” of the Most High.  So, He subjected them to bitter labor; they stumbled, and there was no one to help. 

(Romans 7:10-12)


Living In “Rebellion to God’s Commands” is “A Living Suicide”.


Our Daily Nugget

starts with these Words; “some sat in darkness”, because they rebelled against God’s Commands.  All continued sin is “Rebellion against God Commands”.  A heart/mind that “Repents” from sin and wrongdoing is not living in rebellion to God; but now are “Living in Right Fellowship With God”.


Rebellion – Disobedience to God, or opposition to authority, rules, or standards of 

         behavior.  (It is natural for the fallen man to rebel).


There is “no right way to do wrong”.  God Requires “Obedience” to His Word, the Bible. The Wages of Sin, “Disobedience to the Bible”, is “A Living Suicide”.  A Living Suicide is founded on “Deception”.  The Light of God’s Word, the Bible, is “protection and safety” from the demon of Deception.


Without “Knowledge” of God’s Word, we don’t know if we are “Obeying God’s Word or Man’s Word”.  Obedience to man’s word, “religion and tradition” and disobedience to God’s Word, “The Bible”, does not save us from suicide.  To obey man’s word, means you are a “faithful member of a group”; being a faithful member of a group, does not save. Being Faithful in Obedience to the Bible “Saves”.


The Light of God’s Word, The Bible,

is “Too Bright” for the Demonic Spirits to dwell in it.


Ask God to Bless you with the Wisdom to “Turn on the Light of God’s Word”, each morning, first thing; and the Right Thinking that comes will lead to Right Living.  Without turning on the light, we will live that day in darkness.  That is a “Living Suicide”.  The demon of suicide dwells in the darkness, not in the Light.  In the absence of The Light, we default to darkness, its automatic.


Allow God’s Word to Save You and Your Household from A Living Suicide and 

Watch What Happens.


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