Time's Up.

                                                                         Time’s Up.


“For the Wicked”.


When it goes well with the righteous, the city rejoices, and when “the wicked perish” there are shouts of joy.  (Proverbs 11:10)


The “Wicked” Will Cease from Troubling.


Our Daily Nugget

is letting us know that a time will come when things will go well for the righteous and the city will rejoice.  And it is letting us know that a time will come when things will go bad for the wicked.  The Days of the Wicked are numbered.  Repent Now!


The “Job” of the Wicked is to Trouble the Righteous.


Righteous – Acting, Living, in obedience to “The Bible”.

Wicked – Acting, Living, in disobedience to “The Bible”.


The Bible “Alone” is God’s Word, not religion nor tradition.  Many are living in accordance with religion and tradition and are living in Disobedience to the Bible. Righteous and wicked people attend Church.  The righteous live by The Bible, the wicked live by the world.  Are you just like everybody else or are you “Peculiar”?


Never obey the demonic desire to “get people back” or to “make them pay”.  It is a trap that will catch us and put us in the same situation as the wicked, “We Prove Ourselves To Be Wicked”.  To “make a person pay” is a characteristic of the wicked.


The Righteous Trust God to Pay People Back. 

The Wicked Trust Themselves, we call it “Stealing God’s Vengeance”. 


God talks a Great Deal about wicked and wickedness in the Bible, just as much as He talks about Love.  This is God’s attempt to reach out to the wicked, while it is still day to “repent”.  For us to “say”, I Ain’t Wicked, without even knowing what wicked is, is “foolishness”.  The “Destiny of the Wicked is Destruction”.


The wicked includes all the people who are wicked, regardless to rather they know it or not.  Chances are if we have never explored the definition of wicked, we don’t know if we are wicked or not.  All of us will say we are not wicked.  God judges our thinking and our actions to determine if we are wicked or not.


Know This, “The Wicked Will Not Enter Into Heaven”!

There are more people on the broad road than there are on the narrow road. 


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