Born To Die.

                                                                         Born To Die.


Jesus Did It and So Must We.


You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly.  Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous person, though for a good person someone might possibly dare to die.  But God demonstrates His own love for us in this:  While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.  (Romans 5:6-8)


We Must Be “Born Again” To “Die For Others”.

The Bible says, “It is Better to Give than it is to Receive”.


Our Daily Nugget

is letting us know that Jesus died for a bunch of ungodly people; none of us was “worthy”.  The command that God gave to Jesus and that Jesus gives to the Kingdom Citizens is to “Love”.  To Love, Requires Death.  If we want to Live, we must Die.


This Death, for the Kingdom Citizen is just another part of a “Birthing Process”.  We become New Creatures, thanks to Jesus’ dying for us.  Jesus was willing to Give His Life for us because He Loves us, and He knows that “It Is Better to Give Than to Receive”.  We must have the “Mind/Heart of Christ”.


Today we are Celebrating the Birth of Jesus.  We are celebrating it because we needed someone to die for us that we might live.  Now it is our turn to die for one another;  we need to die for one another so that we all might live; “We All Need Each Other” to “Love One Another”.  Try This Today, Out Love Your Neighbor!


Jesus has given us “New Math”; “the way to receive is through giving”.  The Old Math is “we receive through getting, keeping and adding to what we’ve got”. This New Math comes with the New Birth.  Whatever you want, “Give It”, because what we give comes back to us multiplied, looking like itself.


Always remember, We are not born to Get, we are born to Give.

Ask God to Bless you to Desire to Give over your Desire to Receive,

And Watch Your Love Life, look like the Love Life of our Savior and Lord.


Give Jesus a Great Birthday Present, “Die for someone who doesn’t deserve it”!

“Merry Christmas”.


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