Brides in Waiting.
Brides in Waiting.
The Brides In Waiting will receive Full Salvation.
Even so it is that Christ, having been offered to take upon Himself and bear as a burden the sins of many once and once for all, will appear a second time, not to carry any burden of sin nor to deal with sin, but to bring to “Full Salvation” those who are (eagerly, constantly, and patiently) “waiting” for and expecting Him. (Hebrew 9:28)
Salvation from the; Penalty, Power, and Presence of Sin, is Full Salvation.
The first time Jesus came to earth He brought Salvation from the “Penalty” of sin, after his death He went to Heaven and is now providing for us Salvation from the “Power” of sin, through Faith. When Jesus comes back again, He will not deal with sin at all, He is only coming to Get His Bride, the Church. His Bride is “Waiting for Him”. Jesus is bringing Salvation from the “Presence” of sin; this is Full Salvation.
Jesus is Coming Back for those Who Are “Waiting” For Him!
Are You a Bride In Waiting?
The “Bride In Waiting” is Always Preparing for “Her Lord’s Arrival”. We prepare for our Lord by “Loving One Another”; this is how the Brides Waiting on Jesus is to Live. The Brides of Jesus, Kingdom Citizens, Christians, are to Live a Life of Loving, Giving, Sharing, Caring, Helping, “Living our Purpose”.
Our Purpose is about Spiritual Things, not physical things. The world’s purpose is concerning physical things. Our Purpose leads us to hear our Lord say, “Good and Faithful Servant”, “Come on Home With Me”. It is through Living our Purpose that We “Wait”. It is indeed “better to give than to receive”.
Jesus said, when I was hungry, you feed me, when I was sick you came to care for me, when I was in prison, you came to visit me, “you gave” me clothes when I had none, you cared for me, “You Loved Me”. This is how the Bride of Christ “adorns” herself in preparation for her Lord. This is how we make ourselves “Beautiful” for our Lord’s Arrival; this is how we “Wait”. Waiting is giving, not receiving.
Wait for the Lord; be strong and let your heart (mind) “take courage”; yes, wait for the Lord. (Psalms 27:14). To Wait on the Lord (Love our neighbor) is not always an easy thing. But just remember this One Thing and we will, “We Can Do All Things Through Jesus the Christ”, “Who Strengthens Us To Wait, to Love”.
Ask the Lord to Help You to Be A Beautiful Bride in Waiting.
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