Call On Him.

                                                                     Call On Him.


Pathway To a Victorious Life!


For whosoever call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.  (Romans 10:13)

And everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. (Joel 2:3)


Pray, Practice, with Patience; in Obeying the Bible.

To call on the name of the Lord is Prayer; He richly blesses all who call on His name. 


Our Daily Nuggets

are the same words spoken by two men, one lived in the Old Testament times, and one lived while Jesus walked on earth, and after He ascended to heaven.  There messages to us are to let us know that “everyone” who “Call On the Name of the Lord” “shall be saved”. 


We can call on the name of the Lord, or we can “try” to handle it.

The Lord can deliver what is needed, we can’t; He Loves for us to Call on Him.


We are not only saved from going to hell when we die, we are also saved from the Power of Sin before we die.  We are citizens of the Kingdom of God, even though we are still on earth.  We can call on the name of the Lord to save us from wicked and evil people throughout each day; and to save us from being a wicked and evil person.  Jesus “has given” to us, the Power that God gave to Him.


To receive victory, we must “Pray” for what we need or want; we must live (Practice) as if our Prayer is already answered; and we must have “Patience” till the Lord bring it about. Remember that God is our Loving Father, He is very attentive to our needs and our request. 


Just like an earthly father’s heart/mind is to give to his children when they ask or need, our Heavenly Father’s heart/mind is to give to us when we ask or need.  The Bible says, God knows what we have need of even before we ask.  Don’t worry, Pray with Expectancy and watch how God brings it about “once again”.


Our Deliverer is Coming; “He’s Always Standing By” Ready to Save.

Nothing is too hard for Him; He even invites us to “Put Him To The Test”. To Believe and Trust Him to save us from our dilemmas, is “Putting Him To The Test”. 


Stand Still.

Call on The Name of the Lord Today and Behold His Saving Power!


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