Complete Unity!

                                                                Complete Unity!


The “United Front”, through Prayer.


“My Prayer” is not for them (the disciples) alone.  I pray also for those (us) who will believe in me “through their message”, that all of them may “be one”, Father, “just as you are in me, and I am in you”.  May they also be in us “so that the world may believe that you sent me”.  I have given them the glory that you gave me, “that they may be one as we are one” – I in them and you in me-so that they may be brought to “Complete Unity”.  “Then” the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.  (John 17:20-23)


The Lord Prayed that “We May All Be One”.

Jesus’ Prayers Works.  Never Underestimate the Power of Prayer.


Our Daily Nugget is telling us that; the “world” will know that God sent Jesus to the earth; “When We, Who Say We Believe Be One”.  Many say they Believe, but many are not one.  God has a vested interest in us being one, Satan has a vested interest in us being divided.  God and Satan know the Power and the Victory in us Being One.


The Bible Alone, guides us to “Complete Unity”!

Religion and tradition, out of order, are two of our greatest hindrances to “Oneness”,

Complete Unity: this hindrance is only real when our religions and our traditions are more important to us “Then The Word, The Bible”.  Religion and tradition are man’s words, the Bible is God’s Words. Without God’s Word, The Bible, leading The Way, there could never be Oneness. But only a poor illusion of Oneness.


Victory Occurs When We Are One, Defeat Occurs in Our Division.

In the early 1900’s, the American workforce was one, united, among racial lines and a powerful force that required the corporate owners to share the wealth with the workforce. The corporate owners said we must divide the workforce to control them.  The corporate owners started paying the black workers less money and benefits and started paying white workers more pay and better benefits.  It worked, and the corporate owners have not taken its foot off the gas yet.  This division is even in the Church and sad to say many, if not most Church Leaders like it like that.


God said, "We Have Not Because We Ask Not”.  This Oneness is Ours, it is Our Blessing, whatever we need, It Is Ours.  Jesus paid a big price for this Power Of and In Oneness to be ours.  No longer allow Jesus’ payment to be in vain; Be One. Set your heart/mind today, to be One With, a Brother or Sister of a Different Race and or Religious Denomination than you. Now discuss, the Bible, not your religions and traditions. 


Ask the Lord to Bless it to be So, and “Experience Complete Unity”.


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