I'm Yours!

                                                                         I’m Yours!


I No Longer, Own Myself!


Do you not know that “he who unites himself (becomes one) with a prostitute is one with her in body”?  For it is said, “The two shall become one flesh”.  But whoever is united (become one) with the Lord is “One with Him in Spirit”.  Flee sexual immorality.  All other sins a person commits are outside the body, but whoever sins sexually, sins against their own body.  Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, “Who Is In You”, whom you have received from God?  “You Are Not Your Own”, “You were Bought At A Price”.  (1 Corinthians 6:16-20) 


The Spirit World “controls” the Physical World.

Do You Belong to Yourself, or Do You Belong to Jesus?

The things that we do and the things that we don’t do, answers this question.


“Every time” a Christian commits sexual immorality, that Christian “Grieves” the Holy Spirit.  Understand the danger and how it breaks The Lord’s Heart, every time a Christian commit sexual immorality, it damages our body and our spirit.  Our committing sexual immorality also inspires others to commit sexual immorality.  The Holy Spirit is required, by God, to stay in that disgusting environment.  The Lord hates it when we do such a thing to His Holy Spirit; whom He has sent to us for our benefit.  How can we be so ungrateful, by returning evil for good?  We can Repent.


Grieve – To give pain of heart/mind; to afflict; to wound the feelings. 


When we accepted Jesus, God sent His Holy Spirit to dwell in us, “His Temple”.  To commit sexual immorality is to Defile the Temple.  Whenever we Defile the Temple by sinning, we Make the Holy Spirit a Participant in our Immorality; the Holy Spirit is “grieved”. God has told us to not Grieve His Holy Spirit, if we do it anyway, we and our households pays a huge price, and it is “never worth it by the end of it”.  God’s Kingdom on earth pays a huge price also.   


Our Daily Nugget is telling us that 

Kingdom Citizens cannot do what we want with our bodies any longer.

We No Longer “Own” Ourselves.  The more we keep this fact in the forefront of our heart/mind the more we will “Resist the Temptation to Commit Sexual Immorality”.  We must Ask The Lord to Help Us.  We can Live/Walk in Obedience to all of God’s Commands, including the command to Live Sexually Pure.  


“Seek And Ye Shall Find”, “Obedience or Disobedience”!  

What are you Seeking?  God and you Knows!


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