In Our "Own Eyes".

                                                                In Our “Own Eyes”.


Wisdom says to “Never Be Wise In Our Own Eyes”.


Be not wise in your own eyes: “Fear the Lord” and “Turn Away From Evil”.  

(Proverbs 3:7)

Isaiah writes, “Woe to those who are wise “In Their Own Eyes”, and “Shrewd in their own sight”!  (Isaiah 5:21)


The Shrewd Heart/Mind “Trust in Deception”.

To be Wise in Our Own Eyes is a weakness, not a strength.

To Trust our Own Eyes means “We Have Chosen Not to Trust God’s Eyes”.


Our Daily Nuggets

are written by two men that God used greatly; Solomon and Isaiah.  They both are warning us to “Not Look At Ourselves as Being Wise”, in our own sight.  In our society we teach that we should “Have a Positive Mental Attitude”;  Beware of Pride “disguising” itself as a “Positive Mental Attitude.  We are to “Fear The Lord”.  To Fear the Lord” is “Great Wisdom”, part of Great Wisdom is a positive mental attitude.  A positive mental attitude without the Fear of the Lord is not from God and cannot deliver.


Evil – Anything that is harmful, wicked, or deficient.

Fear – A deep respect, awe, and reverence for God’s power and authority.

Woe – Grief, anguish, affliction, wretchedness, calamity, or trouble.


To Fear The Lord is “To Hate what God Hates, and to Love what God Loves”; it is not to be “Scared or Afraid of the Lord”.  The Fear of the Lord is the “Beginning of Wisdom”.  Therefore, according to the Bible, we can only be wise when we Fear The Lord; this is “Humility”.  God lifts the Humble and He Humbles the Proud.


There is Faith and there is Pride.

Faith is being “Wise in Exercising God’s Word”; Pride is being “Wise in Our Own Words”. Faith is evidence that we are depending on God, being “Wise in Our Own Eyes” is evidence that we are depending on “self”.  We cannot save ourselves in any capacity; self cannot deliver victory.


Ask God to Bless you with the “Wisdom to Fear Him”, and

watch your “Humility” transform itself into Great Power over Sin and Foolishness.


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