Nineveh "Repented".
Nineveh “Repented”.
Nineveh Was “Saved” from Destruction.
The Word of the Lord came to Jonah, son of Amittai: Go to that great city of Nineveh and preach against it, because its “wickedness” has come up before me.
So, the people of Nineveh “believed God”, and proclaimed a fast, and put on sackcloth, from the greatest of them even to the least of them. For the Word came unto the king of Nineveh, and he arose from his throne, and he laid his robe from him, and covered him with sackcloth, and sat in ashes. (Jonah 3:1,5&6)
We “Must Repent” to Be Saved from Destruction.
Nineveh was much like the United Staes; they were a very wealthy people, Who were able to accumulate much goods, much wealth, they loved money and had many gods. When we “love money” we will do most anything to get more of it. The Love of Money will lead its lover to be “wicked” to get more of it, no amount is enough.
God is “The God” of all nations, even nations that do not believe. Throughout “all time”, when any nation chose is to live outside of God’s Manual, the Bible, His Word, He comes to use the “Rod of Correction”. On our money, we chose to print “In God We Trust”, it would be a hard thing to prove that the United States practice that today. God is aware of what the United States do as a nation and what we individually do as persons, one of His creations.
According to the Bible, the leader of each nation is chosen by God, to be a Blessing or a Curse to the people, based on if the people Lived in Obedience to the Bible or if the people Refused to Repent and live by the Bible. The leaders decide if they will do like the King of Nineveh, and decree repentance. Nineveh repented and was saved, the United States Must Repent to avoid the destruction that occurs when God says, Enough is Enough. We must not wait on the leaders; they have been bribed.
It used to be immoral and unacceptable for a politician to accept bribes, but today they must accept bribes even to run for a political office; “We Call It Campaign Financing”, the Lord calls it “Bribery”, bribery is sin, and God holds us responsible.
Pray that the United States would Repent of Its Love of Money and avoid the Coming Destruction that God sends when Nations Leave Him. We did not have the death and mayhem in our Public Schools, when God was There. We Kicked Him Out Of Our Schools. Remember, The Love of Money is the “Root Of ‘All’ Evil”.
It is Never Too Late to Repent!
God said, “Do not Love the World, nor Anything in it”.
Pray that we as a nation would obey this command to avoid destruction.
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