Praise Him.

                                                                       Praise Him.


Never Be Sad; Never Be Troubled.


Why am I so sad?  Why am I so troubled?  I will put my “Hope” in God, and once again I will “Praise Him”.  (Psalms 42:5)

The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit, (humble).  (Psalms 34:18)


Why am I so sad; Why am I so Troubled?  

The Love of The World, and Unbelief in The Word!


Our Daily Nugget

is telling us how we can “Praise God” when we are sad and troubled; we “Put our Hope (our Focus, our Thinking)) on God”.  The Bible tells how to have Hope Return to us.  It is through focus.  Whatever we Focus On, we get more of it, good or bad.


Hope –  A “confident expectation” of what God has promised (In The Bible) in the

             future.  It is a firm and secure anchor for the soul, not a faint wish; nor is it

             trusting obedience to religion and tradition to deliver.


Yet “Hope Returns” when I remember this one thing: The Lord’s unfailing love and mercy “still continue”, Fresh as the morning (Renewed), “as sure as the sunrise (Faithful).  The Lord is all I have and so in Him I put “My Hope”.  The Lord is good to everyone who “Trust In Him”, So it is best for us to “Wait in Patience”, to “Wait for Him to Save Us”.  (Lamentations 3:21-26)


The Lord knows when we are suffering. He knows when we are dealing with grief and loss, and we need His help. Due To how much He loves us, when we feel pain, His heart hurts as well.  To Keep our heart/mind on Jesus is our solution, its Victory.  To keep our heart/mind on the problem, the world's way, is defeat.


Our Victory and our Defeat lie in “What We Think”.  “What we Think” determines how things will go in our life. Thinking is Spiritual Activity that directs what we do and what occurs in our Physical Life. If we think about our problems, we will have more of them, if we think about our solutions, more of our problems will be solved.


Ask God to Bless you to

“Think Right” and you’ll “Walk On” your problems instead of Sinking into Them.


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