Rely On Faith.

                                                                     Rely On Faith.

And We Will Be Blessed like Abraham.


Understand, then, that those who have “Faith” are children of Abraham.  Scripture foresaw that God would justify the Gentiles by “Faith” and announced the gospel in advance to Abraham:  “All nations will be blessed through you”.  So those who “Rely On Faith” are blessed along with Abraham, the man of Faith. (Galatians 3:7-9)


Our Measure of Faith is Sufficient.

We “Exercise our Faith” when we “Rely on Faith”!


God choose to Bless all people through Abraham, our Father of Faith.

Know and understand Faith.  Faith or Works of the Law?  All who “rely” on the works of the law are under a curse.  Victory lies in Faith; a Curse lies in Relying on the Law.  God tells us in the Bible that “When we Exercise our Faith, Rely on Faith”, that we will be able to quench, nullify, every one of Satan’s attacks on us.


Our Daily Nugget

is Paul letting the Galatians and us know that; we started this Christian Journey by Faith; and he asked the question, are you now going to end this journey through your own power, “works of the law”.  Religions and traditions are the law.  The Bible, God’s Word, “Houses instructions concerning Faith”.


Jesus has provided for us an excellent way, “It Is Called Faith”.  If it is not Faith, it is works.  Relying on works, all outside of Faith, places us under a curse from God.  No one wants to be under God’s curse, but all who rely on works, is under God’s Curse.  In the Bible being under God’s curse means being set on a path to destruction, isolation and death.


The Bible’s story begins with God blessing all creatures, but humans are deceived into trusting their own instincts over God’s.  This leads to the curse, which is when God hands humans over to the consequences of their actions.  Unless repentance occurs, eternity in hell is the destination of all who are under God’s curse.


To rely and to depend on our intellect and intelligence will place us under God’s curse.   There is no peace, no joy, under God’s curse. A smile is not joy; joy is joy.  Sometimes a smile is just a frown turned upside down.  Joy produces a genuine smile.  We must be guided by “Sincerity and Truth”.


Ask God to Bless you to 

“Rely on Faith”, “Watch God Act”, and “Avoid the Curse”.


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