The Deception of Rudeness.

                                                   The Deception of Rudeness.


I Gave Them “A Piece” of My Mind; this is a “Weakness”.


Criticizing a “rude” person will only result in insults, and correcting the wicked will only lead to hurt.  So don’t bother correcting wicked people; they will only hate you.  But correct the wise, and they will love you.  (Proverbs 9:7&8)

An “evil” person is ensnared by their words, while the righteous escape trouble.    (Proverbs 12:13)


How do you feel, when you’re corrected; happy or mad?

To Give Away Pieces of our Mind, we’ll have little if any left for us to use.


Rudeness – A little persons “Imitation of Power”.

Being Rude is the fruit of “Wicked Thinking” that leads to “Evil Actions”, being rude is an evil action.  To be rude is evidence that Satan won the war in our heart/mind; “The Mouth Speaks, and the Body does ‘what we have filled our’ Thinking Process with”.  The Holy Spirit would never lead anyone to be rude.


When we choose to be rude to someone, realize that God is preparing to use “The Rod of Correction” on us, to get us to Obey His Command to Love.  Rude people cannot love, the demonic spirit that they have placed in charge of their Thinking Process, will not let them love.  Remember, “the spirit world controls the physical world”.  Everything that we do and don’t do, “starts between our ears, through Thinking”. Tell the demon of rudeness that “You Must Go Now”!


If you have chosen to be Rude and Disrespectful, just know, 

that God is bringing devastation in your life and the life of your household.  The “desire” to be rude is a curse from God and evidence that our Thinking is leading to death.  Our “words” will catch us and expose our wrongdoing and expose our wicked and evil heart/mind.  We will have no peace in our life nor the life of our household, for God has declared that There is No Peace For The Wicked.  Repent Today.


Only a wise person will admit to being wicked; admitting to and understanding that we are wicked is evidence that we have heard and now desire to Obey The Holy Spirit, who is telling us to repent and to Love, instead of trying to make someone hurt or feel pain.  Demons love to make and to see people in pain.  When the demons are really mad at a person, they will make “their host” Think of all sorts of ways to be wicked and evil, and how to carry out their wicked plans.


Whenever we recognize that we “Want to be Rude”,

immediately, ask the Lord to save us from the Demon of Rudeness, and He 

Will.  Light and Darkness “cannot occupy” the same heart/mind, at the same time.


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