The "Proud " Look.

                                                                  The “Proud” Look.


The “Fruit” of  “Prideful Thinking”. 


There are six things the Lord hates.  In fact, He hates seven things.  The Lord hates the “proud look”, a lying tongue, and hands that kill those who aren’t guilty.  He also hates hearts (minds) that make evil plans and “feet that are ‘quick’ to do evil”.  He hates any witness who pours out lies and anyone who stirs up conflict in the community.  

(Proverbs 6:16-19)

Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.  It is better to be of lowly spirit with the poor than to divide the spoil with the proud. 



The “Proud Look” comes after “Prideful Thinking”, 

it is a sign of Foolishness, Fear, and Weakness, not Wisdom, nor Strength.


Haughty – People who consider themselves above others and ultimately above God.

Pride – An attitude of self-importance, self-sufficiency, and self-exaltation that can 

            lead to a person’s downfall and the downfall of their households.


God knows that without His Grace and Mercy that we could not stand up nor set down; we would be like babbling idiots; and then to have the mindset that “we” are so important and self-sufficient, while we are “so” unable to care for and to provide for ourselves.  Instead of a “humble look”, which is a look that says, "Thank You Jesus”; we are Pride filled, yes, God is well displeased with the Proud.


God uses the “Rod of Correction” on us and our households when we choose to obey the demonic spirit telling us to act tough and to look important; we are not tough nor important; God knows it and it is important to Him for us to know it.  His Rod of Correction instructs us to be humble, thankful, and grateful.  


To have a Pride Filled Spirit guiding our actions is evidence that we have been listening to and obeying the demonic spirit that is speaking to us all the time, trying to get us to be Pride Filled.  The demonic spirit knows that God can’t use us when we are obeying him.  When God can’t use us due to our decision to be Pride Filled, we can’t Live Our Purpose.  Purpose is the reason for creation.  If we are not Living to Fill our Purpose, then, “What Are We Living For”?


God Blesses the Humble Spirit and God Curses the Prideful Spirit!


Ask God to Bless You to Detect and to Defeat Satan on Every Hand,

And Watch Your Holy Living Shine Like the Morning Sun on All Around You!


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