The Secret.

                                                                           The Secret.


I “Now Know” the Secret.


The “Secret of the Lord” is with them that “Fear Him”; and He will show them “His Covenant”.  (Psalms 25:14)


“All Things Works Together for the Good” of those who “Fear Him”.


The Secret of the Lord is the Covenant that God will show to those who “Fear Him”.  The Covenant is a relationship of Grace, through Faith, made with Christ in His blood.  It is not about following rules to gain God’s favor, but rather “Commitments Made by God to the Believer”.  The more we Trust God to deliver, the more of The Secret we will know, and it will show itself in our living.


Solomon said, Be careful “What” you Think, 

for through our Thinking, we set the boundaries of our life.


Our Daily Nugget

is a Psalms written by David, “The Shepherd Boy”, whom God referred to as “A Man After His Own Heart/Mind”.  David was willing to “Give his life for the Sheep”.  God was aware of David’s Thinking, His Motives”, that led him to this mentality. God judges our motives.  David knew that the sheep was totally dependent on him for care and protection; “He Could Not Let Them Down”.  Jesus cannot let us down; people should be able to say this about us, we should be Faithful.


God made His Secret Known to David.

God makes His Secret known to all who “Commit” their Heart/Mind to Him.


To Fear the Lord is to “hate what God hates, and to Love what God Loves”.  To Fear the Lord will make us as Bold as a lion, but as humble as a lamb.  Sin will not allow us to Fear the Lord; refusing to repent from sin is a “condition of our heart/mind, our Thinking”.  As we “Think” in our heart/mind, so are we.  


“We Are Not What We Think We Are, We Are What We Think”.

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me; this thinking leads to Victory.  Ask God to help you to learn “What To Think”.  What we Think leads us to Life or Death.  Thinking is spiritual activity, it sets the physical world into action; thinking is a command, a demand, to the spirit world.


Ask God to Bless you with the 

Wisdom to Fear Him, so that He Can Make His Secret Known to you.


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