Our Constitution is “What we Believe”.
He who “Believes” and is baptized “Will be Saved”; but he who disbelieves will be condemned. (Mark 16:16)
For the “LORD” is our judge, the “LORD” is our lawgiver, the LORD is our King. (Isaiah 33:22)
We Will “Live”, “Act”, According to Our Constitution; what we Believe.
Constitution – A set of fundamental rules that determine how a country, state, or
person is run. A “steadfast” heart/mind, due to what one “Believes”.
We can have a strong or a weak Constitution. We have a Strong
Constitution available to us, it’s called “Faith”.
A heart/mind that is Faithful to its constitution, yield not to temptation to act in opposition to its constitution. The Bible says that when we are not faithful to what we say we Believe, we are lairs and did not really believe when we said we believe.
To be unfaithful to our constitution means that we are not trustworthy and a liar. Jesus said why call me your Lord and don’t do what I tell you. We live and die according to our “constitution”, not just what we say. Remember, what we do speak so loudly until no one hears what we say”.
Our natural, fallen, self wants to obey the constitution that we all are born with; we are born in sin and shaped in iniquity; “to do what we feel like doing”. This is why we must “Repent” from our religious and traditional past. All religions and all traditions are not acceptable to God.
Hold your religions and traditions up to the Light of God’s Word, the Bible. The religions and traditions that line up with God’s Word will lead us to be Faithful to our constitution, hang on to them. The religions and traditions that do not line up with God’s Word, we must let them go, for they cause us to be unfaithful to our constitution from God.
The Shield of Faith backs up our Constitution; what we Believe. Faith Cannot Let Us Down; we can Depend on It! Our Faith is We Can Do All Things Through Christ.
Yield not to temptation, for yielding is sin.
“Believe” in Jesus the Christ, as LORD and SAVIOR; and you shall be “Saved”.
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