Evil Days.

                                                                          Evil Days.


Evil Days are here Today.


Be very careful, then, “how you live” – not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because “the days are evil”.  Therefore, do not be foolish, but “understand” what the Lord’s Will is.  (Ephesians 5:15-17)


Love and Wisdom; Protection From Evil Days.

Evil days are when people consider receiving more important than giving, when I treat you differently than what I would like you to treat me.  When my anger guides my actions toward you, when I live indifferent to God’s Word.  When I do things, with the intent of causing you hurt, harm, or pain for any reason.


Our Daily Nugget

is a message to Christians from Paul, letting us know that “the days are evil”; which means that it is very common for people to treat people “different then they would like people to treat them”.  To treat people bad.  Be wise, “know wicked and evil”.  God said the wicked and evil “Will Not Dwell in His Kingdom”.  Learn what wicked and evil are; knowing what wicked and evil are, are too important to leave to chance.


We Christians, Kingdom Citizens are the “Light of The World” and there is “No Other Light For the World”.  If we do not allow God’s Light to shine on a dark world through our living, the world will remain in darkness and evil.  Wickedness will always proceed evil. Wickedness occurs between our ears through Thinking of bad, hurtful, harmful things to do to one another.  Evil is our actions that occurs from Thinking of wicked things to do to people. 


Wickedness and Evil “cannot stand” in “The Light of Love”.

The Bible says, “there is no peace for the wicked”.  Are you without peace?  Love everybody and you will not be evil to anybody.  Love and Wisdom will always walk, live together.  Evil people do not love and will add to the darkness of these evil days. 

                                            Wisdom says, “examine yourself” 

     to make sure you are not evil.  The evil person will say, “I Am Not Evil”.  Ask God.


Amid evil days, we Kingdom Citizens have great opportunity to be a “Witness for Jesus” by Loving the Lord and Loving our neighbors.  Treating people the way we would like them to treat us is “Allowing God’s Light” to shine through our Living. Darkness and Light cannot occupy the same place at the same time.


Ask God to Bless us to “Allow His Light” to shine

through our Living and behold how His Light will Protect us from Evil of people.


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