There is “therefore”, No Condemnation.
At the present time there is a remnant, chosen by grace. But if it is by grace, it is no longer on the basis of works; otherwise, Grace would no longer be “Grace”. (Romans 11:5-6)
There is therefore now no condemnation to them which “Are In Christ”, “Who Walk (Live, Abide) Not After The Flesh”, “But After The Spirit”. (Romans 8:1)
Grace, a free gift of God’s Favor.
Walk means to Live, Abide, Continue, or Remain.
God’s Grace is not a “Green Light” to Sin as much as we Like!
Our Daily Nugget is letting us know that the freedom from condemnation that comes with Grace is for those who Walk (Live) Not After The Flesh; those who Walk (Live) After The Flesh Are Still Condemned, because God’s Grace does not apply to them. God did not tolerate sin “before” Jesus’ death on the Cross, nor does God tolerate sin after Jesus’ death on the Cross.
What does it mean to “Be In Christ”? It means you are saved.
To walk, to abide, to live In Christ is not a special level of Christian experience, rather, it is the position of all “True Believers”. The difference between those “Abiding In Christ” and those “Not Abiding In Christ” is the difference between the saved and the unsaved.
God’s Grace “Does Not” Allow us to Live a “Life of Sin”.
There are True Believers and False Believers. Jesus said, some lied when they said they believe. True believers “abide, walk, live” according to the Bible; this is “In Christ”. False Believers do not “abide, walk, live” according to the Bible; this is Not In Christ. The In Christ are not condemned, the Not In Christ are condemned.
Jesus said to the False Believers at the Judgement, Depart from me you “wicked people”, “I Never Knew You”. These false believers hung out with True Believers at Church. It is at the judgement that Jesus separates the True Believers from the False Believers. The True Believers Love their neighbors as they love themselves, False Believers do not Love their neighbors as they love themselves. Obedience is not works; works are a natural flow of “Love”. Works does not save; the works are evidence that a person is saved.
Ask God to Bless you with the wisdom to Walk, Live, Abide
“In Christ”; so that when the world sees you, it is like they are “Seeing Jesus”.
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