My Soul is "Anchored".
My Soul is “Anchored”.
I have been given “Eternal Life” by God.
A “wise person” thinks about death, but a “fool” thinks “only about having a good time. (Ecclesiastes 7:4)
Stay away from “fools”, there is nothing they can teach you. Wisdom lets smart people know what they are doing, but “stupid people only think they know”. Fines are needed to make fools obey the law, but good people are happy to obey it.
(Proverbs 14:7&8). Fools and stupid people are the same.
I give them “eternal life”, and they “shall never perish”; “no one will snatch them out of my hand”. My Father, who has given them to me, “is greater than all”; “no one can snatch them out of my Father’s hand”. (John 10:27-29)
We Need the “Confidence” of an Anchored Soul.
Without an anchored soul, our heart/mind drifts into foolishness and unbelief.
The difference between a wise person and a fool is a “wise person ‘knows’ what to do” and a “fool only ‘thinks’ he knows what to do”. The fool will not comprehend that they are foolish.
Fool – Someone who “Disregards God’s Words”, “refuses to learn”, and “acts
contrary to wisdom”. Fools are often described as being careless, conceited,
and indifferent to God.
Wise – The ability to use good sense, judgement, and “knowledge” to “discern” what
is true and right, according to the Bible.
Our living and our dying follow “What” We Think. If we Think our soul is anchored, we will live like our soul is anchored, we will be “wise and steadfast”. We will not be directed by our “feelings”, we will Love. “What we Think” determines “How We Live”. A Wise Person Thinks about Death, a fool thinks about having a good time. “What” Are You Thinking About? Are you thinking about living for Jesus or self? We will see the answer in our “living”.
Our souls are anchored in the Word or in the World. To think about death lets us know that our soul is anchored in the Word; to think about having a good time, lets us know that our soul is anchored in the world. One day, this body that carries our soul around will die, and our soul will go to live eternally in heaven or hell.
With an Anchored Soul we will say, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”. An anchored soul makes me able to Live and Look like Jesus.
Ask God to Bless you to
Anchor your Soul Today; now go Live, Look and Think, Like Jesus.
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