Possess The Land.
Possess the Land.
Nothing Is “Too Hard” For God!
Ah, Lord God, it is you who have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and your outstretched arm. “Nothing is too hard for You”. (Jeremiah 32:17)
Let’s go “at once” to “take the land”, he said. We can certainly conquer it! But the other men who had explored the land with him disagreed. “We Can’t Go Up Against Them”! (Numbers 13:30-33)
“Remembering” this in Prayer “Help to get Answered Prayer”; Pray Always!
When we Remember God’s Word, “We Can Do All Things”.
To possess the land or not to possess the land starts between our ears through “Thinking”. God’s Word says, “Nothing is Too Hard for God”. To “Believe” this “Truth” with all our heart/mind is “Victory” over everything. To “Believe” is to “Exercise our Faith”.
The “Shield of Faith” that God has given us is “enlarged and strengthened” to overcome any foe when we “Believe”, as believing is “Exercising our Faith”. Look at what God tells us through Paul.
In “all circumstances” take up the “Shield of Faith”, with
which “you can extinguish ‘all’ the flaming darts of the evil one”. (Ephesians 6:16)
Faith – The “belief” and “trust” in God and His Promises, even though God is not
physically present. God is Spirit.
Faith is Spirit; the Spirit World “controls” the Physical World. Angels are “spirit beings”, they are much stronger than “physical beings”. The Spirit World acts and reacts to “WHAT” we, physical beings, Think. To “Think” we can, give us the Faith “To Do”. God has given us the Shield of Faith, that we might be able to “Live Our Purpose”, as we overcome the evil one.
To focus on what we want, will “prevent” us from Exercising the Faith that God has given us. To focus on what God wants, will “able” us to Exercise our Faith. Victory and defeat, both starts between our ears, through Thinking.
Never Focus on the Problem!
Exercise your “Shield of Faith”, “Believe”,
and “Possess the Land” that “God Has Given to you Today”!
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