Prove It!
Prove It!
If God Challenges us to Prove It.
Then the King will say to those on his right, Come, you who are blessed by my Father, “Take Your Inheritance”, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. The King will reply, Truly I tell you, whatever you did for the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me. (Matthew 25:34&40).
What if God said, Prove To Me that you were a Believer, and I’ll Let you In?
Our Daily Nugget is a Challenge for us to “Prove It”; those who Loved can enter.
My Proof.
Yes, I Have Proof: Based on “Your Word”, I Can “Prove It”; Here is my Evidence!
1. When you were hungry, I fed you.
2. When you were sick. I came to care for you.
3. When you were without a parent, I saw after you.
4. When you were in prison and after you got out, I provided for you.
5. When you were a widow, without help, I helped you.
Jesus said, You Have Sufficient Proof: You Believed; “Enter Into My Rest”!
Love, Obedience, is The Proof!
I Really meant it when I said, “I Believe”! The proof is in the pudding, what we do; the pudding is Love. We spend time being with and doing for people we love. To cheat people, to lie, and to take advantage of everybody and anybody for personal gain is Proof of Unbelief and is proof that we do not love our neighbors. We cannot love the world and love the Lord! We do not cheat people we love.
A “desire, thinking, living”, to cheat, lie and to steal is proof that we do not believe in Jesus as our Lord. Judas lied, cheated and stole as he was walking/living as one of Jesus’ disciples. The false teachers today are in many pulpits, acting like Judas, claiming to work for Jesus, while working for themselves only. Cheating, stealing and lying to God’s People; don’t they know that Jesus sees, and He know. The scripture asks, “Who Has Bewitched You” to think such foolishness.
The Destiny of deception is “Death” and “Separation from God” in this life and in the eternal life. Repent Today to Love the Lord and to Love Your Neighbor, ask the Lord to help you and He Will. To want what I want for my neighbor is what I want for me; That’s Love”.
Thank God for Blessing You with the Wisdom to Love Today.
Love is Your Proof; Enter into Your Father’s Rest.
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