Worldly Wisdom.
Worldly Wisdom.
The Hypocrisy of Worldly Wisdom.
Hypocrites! You know how to interpret the appearance of the earth and sky. How is it that you don’t know how to interpret this present time? (Luke 12:56)
Hypocrisy cannot dwell with Sincerity and Truth!
Christian Wisdom “Must Begin” with Sincerity and Truth, or its Hypocrisy!
Our Daily Nugget
is Christ giving us a warning about just how dangerous the “errors” of the Pharisees and the Sadducees really are. Today we do not have religious leaders called Pharisees and Sadducees. But we have religious leaders called by many other titles who are still controlled by the Demonic Spirit of Hypocrisy, “just like them”. Injecting their “yeast” into and onto the people.
The “Yeast” of the Pharisees and Sadducees are “Hypocrisy”.
Hypocrisy – A demonic spirit that leads people to “say what they don’t mean” and
to “mean what they don’t say”. Hypocrisy is deception. God hates
hypocrisy. Lying and deception are prerequisites for hypocrisy.
Yeast – A metaphor for “corruption, evil, and sin”. It can also symbolize the
influence of the Pharisees and their man-made teachings.
An honest spirit cannot dwell with a dishonest spirit. Birds of a feather “Will” flock together. Do you seek to convince others to get “your will done” or do you seek to convince others to get “God’s Will Done”? Politics is an excellent environment for the “Spirit of Hypocrisy” to dwell and thrive. “Beware of Politics” sucking you in.
Kingdom Citizens don’t depend on Politics, We Depend on the Holy Spirit! The Holy Spirit and the Spirit of Hypocrisy cannot dwell in the same Heart/Mind, at the same time. The Political Process, in this country, is built on “Hypocrisy”; where people do not seek “Truth”, people seek to convince you to say yes to their way.
The yeast of the Pharisees can “Prevent You From Being Ready When The Bridegroom Comes”. People who ingest the yeast of the Pharisees are on the road to hear Jesus say to them when He comes back for the Church, “Depart From Me, You Wicked Person”, “I Never Knew You”.
Obedience to The Bible is protection from the Yeast of the Pharisees.
Stick with The Lord’s Word, and The Lord’s Word Will Stick With You!
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