Worthless Religion!

                                                                Worthless Religion!


The Tongue Told the True Story.


If you claim to be religious but don’t control your tongue, you are fooling yourself, and your religion is worthless. (James 1:26)

Know this, my beloved brothers: let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger; for the anger of man does not produce the “Righteousness of God”.  

(James 1:19-20)


The Bible says, “The Mouth Speaks What the Heart/Mind Has Been Filled With”.


Listen to this conversation between two people.

You don’t know what is in my heart!  I really do know what is in your heart.  How do you know what is in my heart?  “You Just Told Me”.  


The mouth speaks what we have filled our heart/mind with.  This is where “Motives” comes into play.  God judges our motives; we can hide our motives from one another, we cannot hide our motives from God.  We must be sincere and truthful to one another and to God.


Religion – A system that determines one’s worldview. Even atheists can be religious. 

                Religion is not Christianity.  It is a system designed by man for man. 


Our Daily Nuggets

is James explaining to us that what comes out of our mouths are due to what we have placed into our heart/mind.  The person who doesn’t control their tongue is fooling themselves that what they Believe is “Real”, it’s not, it’s “Memorex”.


Being “Slow To Speak” is not only Obedience to scripture, but it also shows Great Wisdom in Living by exercising Patience to give the Holy Spirit time to speak to us and time for us to hear Him.  We cannot hear and speak at the same time.


Pride and a desire to “Show Everybody How ‘Smart’ We Are”; are main reasons to have a “Out of Control Tongue”.  Let people finish speaking without interrupting them; this is a Biblical Command. If you know that you refuse to control your tongue, know this that “Your Religion is Worthless.  “Repent Today”, ask “The Lord to Help You”, and He will.  Not wanting to “Hear The Truth” is another reason people unleash their tongue.


Ask God to Bless you to

Control Your Tongue, and “Watch Wisdom Come” and “See Foolishness Go”!


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