A Tough Place To Live.
A Tough Place to Live.
Is A Land Without “Sincerity & Truth”.
The Lord saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become on the earth, and that every inclination of the “thoughts” of the human heart (mind) was only “evil” “all the time”. The Lord regretted that he had made human beings on earth, and His Heart was deeply troubled. (Genesis 6:5&6)
God’s Hand is against us when we reject sincerity and truth for deception and lies.
This rejection Leads to Wickedness!
Are We There Yet?
Wickedness – The quality of being evil or morally wrong. The wickedness of the
Evil – Anything that goes against God’s, character, and design. It can also be
described as harmful, wicked, or deficient.
Sincerity – Being honest, genuine, and free from deceit or hypocrisy.
In the absence of Sincerity and Truth, God’s Word, the Bible, the Only Truth, Wickedness Fills The Void. To refuse to Obey the Truth makes us Wicked. Imagine a land where people lie quicker than they can talk; deception is the order of the day. A land where people who are sincere and truthful are called suckers and losers.
The Bible says , “Leaders should tell the Truth”!
If a ruler listens to lies, all his officials become wicked. (Proverbs 29:12)
All throughout the Bible, God has destroyed the Wicked Nations. The nations consumed with “Pleasure” became wicked in their efforts to satisfy their desires for pleasure. We were not created to “please self”; we were created to “Please God”. Living to please self “will” lead us to wicked ideas on how to please self, we cannot please God and self.
The people of Noah’s Day lived to please self, the Demon of Pleasure led the people to become wicked and evil; this made God regret that He had ever made people. We will reject God’s Word, His Instruction, when our desire is to please self and not God. The nation becomes a nation where almost everyone lie and deceive, even those who call themselves Christians. Jesus called some who said they Believe, liars.
What we do, “Shows what we Believe or Not”!
If we Believe in Sincerity and Truth, “we will” Live in Sincerity and Truth!
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