God “Said” let there be light and light appeared.
You will “have to live with” the “consequences” of everything you “say”. What you “say” can preserve life or destroy it. (Proverbs 18:20-21)
The “Words” of my mouth produced these “Consequences”.
Our Daily Nugget
is letting us know that our “Words” will produce the “Consequence” of life or death. For every “action”, there is a “reaction”, a consequence. Obedience leads to life; disobedience leads to death. The consequence will occur even if no body hear what you say. The words we say are due to “What We Are Thinking”.
Consequence – The result of actions, due to our Thinking, its positive or negative.
Scriptures bears this out in many places: Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked (made a fool of or tricked). “A man reaps what he sows”. (Galatians 6:7)
We are made in the image of God; God’s Words have Consequences; our words also have consequences. Our Wise words lead to life, our foolish words lead to death. Solomon told us to “Be careful ‘What’ we Think”. What we Think determines “What We Say”; what we Say will have the consequences of life or death.
Eve’s words led to the consequence of death. Before Eve spoke, she was “Thinking” about the pleasure that the fruit would give her, instead of Thinking about Obeying what God said. Eve’s “Words” followed her Thinking, Eve’s “actions” followed her “Words”. “What Eve was Thinking was disobedience”, because she was listening to the demonic spirit. We must be careful “What” we Think.
Solomon also told us to be “Slow to Speak” and “Quick to Listen”. When we disobey this process and be “quick to speak” and “slow to listen”, our actions will lead to death for us, our household and others we interact with. To obey this process is “wisdom”; we give the Holy Spirit time to help us to Think Right, as this will lead us to “say right”. The first step to Saying Right is to ask God to bless us to Think Right. Our Saying follows our Thinking.
Ask God to Bless you with the wisdom to
“never say anything that you do not want to happen”! Words Create!
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