Just Call.
Just Call.
Salvation is Only a “Call” away!
For there is no difference between the Jew and Gentile-the same Lord is Lord of All and richly blesses all who “Call On Him”, for, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved”. (Romans 10:12-13)
Our Deliverer is “Standing By”, Ready to Save.
Our Daily Nugget
is Paul telling us that “Whosoever” “Call” on the Name of The Lord “Shall Be Saved”. This salvation includes everything that we could possibly need to be saved from. Sometimes we might not be aware of what we need to be saved from, that’s alright, The Lord Knows; “Just Call”.
The Whole Mission of Jesus is Salvation; until we are With Him!
Before Jesus there was a difference between the Jew and Gentile being Saved; only the Jews could call. The sacrificial life and death of Jesus tore the curtain from top to bottom, this is the curtain that kept the Gentiles out. Now “You and I” can call if we “Believe”.
Whatever problems might be going on in our lives today, “Just Call”. Kingdom Citizens don’t fret, we “Call through Prayer”. Jesus loves for us to call; our calling gives Him an opportunity to Save; Jesus Loves To Save. We should love to Save. Jesus said, “Prove Me Now Herewith”; This is Jesus “challenging” us to “Put Him To The Test”, to see if He Will Come and Save.
Test Jesus Today by Calling Him, See If He Will Come.
The Demon of Pride will always have us to attempt to deal with things on our own. This is an old tactic, but still very effective on those who Refuse to Call. To Believe is to be Saved from the “Penalty of Sin”. To Call on Him is to be Saved from the Power of Sin.
We are Kingdom Citizens, we do not have to experience the “Shame of Defeat”, we can stand and be the men and women that God has Created us to be. We need to stand, so that those who are in darkness will “See the Light” and allow the Light to Show them the Way.
Your Neighbor is Waiting to See God’s Light Shining Through Your Living!
“Call On Him”!
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