Robbed of Humility.
Robbed of Humility.
Who Robbed the Children of Humility?
Whoever spares the “Rod” “Hates their Children”, but the one who “Loves their Children” is careful to discipline them. (Proverbs 13:24)
The Rod of Correction “Produces Humility” in Children.
Our Daily Nugget
is letting us know that if we refuse to use the “Rod of Correction” on our children, to make sure they learn to “Live between the Lines of Life", and “Respect people”, that we “do not Love them”, but “We Actually Hate Our Children.
How we “Feel” is Not Love, what we “Do” is Love!
Humility – The practice of meekness, obedience to God “RESPECT” of self and others,
submissiveness and modesty. People with humility put others’ needs before
their own, sacrificing for the “Love Of Others”.
It is through the “Rod Of Correction” that children learn the discipline to Respect people; if a child is not made to respect their parents as a child, they “will” grow into disrespectful adults. When a parent or parents refuses to use this Rod of Correction, they “Hate Their Children”. They will not “feel like” they hate their children but “God Say If You Do Not Whip Your Child, You Hate Your Child”. If you can’t appreciate this wisdom, know this, “God is Never Wrong”. One or two good whippings when needed is normally all it takes.
A family of five from the United States, went to stay for thirty days with a tribe of people who lived in the bush in Africa. When the children saw where and how they had to live they started crying to go back home. At the end of the thirty days when it was time to leave, the children were crying because they did not want to leave.
The mother said that the whole time they were there they did not see “one disrespectful child”. She said that in the United States we are “Raising a Nation Full of Demons”. Look around, look at the amount of “Disrespect” people have for one another and the “Lack of Respect” people have for one another. God Holds us Responsible when we Curse our children like that! Discipline is a Road to Humility.
Love Them Enough, to go with
The Bible over the “World’s Way” or “Your Feelings” of Raising Your Children.
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