The "Face of Love".
The “Face of Love”.
Be The Church!
The Kingdom is yours for when I was hungry, you gave me food to eat. When I was thirsty, you gave me something to drink. When I had no place to stay, you welcomed me into your home. When I was without clothes, you gave me something to wear. When I was sick, you cared for me. When I was in prison, you came to visit me.
(Matthew 25:25&26)
Love Is Doing; otherwise, “It’s Noise”.
What you “Do” Speak So Loudly, I Can’t Hear What You Say.
The Samaritan, the unreligious, showed the Religious People the “Face of Love”.
When the “Face of Love” becomes the most important thing to Kingdom Citizens, God’s Light will Shine on a dark world and turn the dark world into Light, “Just Like God Did to Nineveh when Nineveh Repented”. When we Repent, “Being The Church” Becomes the Most Important Thing and the world will see “The Face of Love”, in God’s people.
If any one of us was in the situation in our Daily Nugget, we would be tickled pink and eternally grateful for people to come and “Be The Church” to us. Jesus came and He showed us “How to Be The Church”. After He brought Salvation, He had to go back to Heaven. Now He has passed the torch to us, He is in Heaven, praying to God on our behalf, that we would be able to Be The Church. God answers “ALL” of Jesus’ prayers.
“We Must Be The Church”,
we are the world’s only Hope. “Don’t Let Jesus and your Brothers and Sisters Down”. Love your neighbor as you Love yourself, today; this is The Face of Love. Beware of your Desire for Pleasure and the man-made rules and regulations that appear Religious but do not follow the Bible. These things work against the Church.
Jesus went back to Heaven, but He is coming back to earth again to get His Church. Are you a member of His Church, “Do You Live Our Daily Nugget”, or do you spend your time “Gathering Treasures on Earth for Yourself”, often by hook or crook? The religious people were so concerned with self, till they “Could Not Love”.
Only What we do for Christ will last and stand the test of fire!
Be The Church, do this by Loving your Neighbor, as you Love Yourself.
Satisfying the needs of one another is “The Face Of Love”!
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