


By Whose Authority?


Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established.  The authorities that exist have been established by God. Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgement on themselves.  (Romans 13:1-2)


The Authority of The Word or the Authority of the World?

Our Daily Nugget is God letting us know that “He Has Designed All Authority” and has commanded us to submit to “Authority” or face the judgement from rebelling.  In our fallen state, we want to be in authority of our life’s decisions.  God is a God of Order.  Everybody cannot be in authority; “Order” cannot exist with everybody doing what seems right in their own eyes.  


Remember, Kingdom Citizens “have died to self”!


Authority – The One in “Control”!  The Word or the World?

                   Our “Actions” lets everyone know, “By Whose Authority We Operate”.

                   We “Obey” the One who has Authority in our “Heart/Mind”.


God does not require us to obey authorities, when the authorities are against His Word; even in the Church, for there are many False Teachers.  We “do not rebel” against the false teachers, but “we do not obey them either”.  Just because something is legal, does not make it right, it can be legal, but still be sin and wrongdoing.


It is not okay to sin, even if your Religious Leaders, or government, says it is.

Our governmental authorities say it is okay to murder, abort a baby, 

“God say thou shall not Kill”.


If we do not know what God’s Word says, and we obey authority that is not from God; “We Will Still Be Held Liable For Not Obeying God’s Word, the Bible”.  We need to know what Right is, to know what Wrong is.  God does not require us to obey authority against the Bible.  To refuse to obey the government authorities  can bring punishment from the one in authority.  Prepare your heart/mind today, for whatever punishment the authorities might dish out; “Trust God and You’ll Be Fine”.

Just because something is legal does not make it Right, and just because something is illegal does not make it wrong!  “God’s Word is the Ultimate Authority”! 


Me Following “Me”, leads to Death, Me Following the “Word,” Leads to Life!

The Bible is the “Only Legitimate Authority”, Learn and Obey It!


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